Which begs to question . . . why on earth would you remarry someone when it obviously didn't work out the first time around? They are your ex for a reason. It clear there were problems . . . probably many . . . that lead to the demise of the first union . . . what would make you believe that those same issues wouldn't rear their ugly little heads on the second go-'round?

Me? I was young and stupid and impetuous. I was more in love with the idea of being married than I was to my husband. The marriage was awful and the divorce was a nightmare. I swore I would never put myself through that again and I never had any intention of ever getting married again . . . to anyone let alone my ex-husband.
The divorce rate in the United States is somewhere between 40 and 45 percent. 10% of those people will remarry their ex . . . way more than half of those people will end up in divorce court again.
I think someone who would consider, however so briefly, rekindling a relationship with their ex-spouse the following . . .
Imagine all the little thing he/she did that annoyed the bejoobies out of you . . . imagine all those things and then try to visualize all the new annoying habits they've learned since.
Did that person cheat on you, beat on you or otherwise abuse you? What makes you think they won't do it again . . . and again and again and again.

Did you have anything in common? No? And all of a sudden you do?
Did you even like each other?
I see my ex-husband . . . not by choice . . . and he's the same lazy, sarcastic, condescending jerk he always was. I don't think it's easy for people to change . . . I'm not saying they can't change but people are pretty much who they are and who they always will be.
My opinion that a failed marriage is doomed to fail again . . . why would anyone want to experience the same kind of pain and distress twice?
Not I, says I.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
This is OMG!! good! And, so easy!
5 Cups Dry Bread Cubes
1/4 Cup Instant
Stuffing Mix
1 Cup Sliced Fresh
1/2 Cup Chopped
1/2 Cup Chopped
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1 Teaspoon Tony Chachere Seasoning
Or Salt and Pepper to
1 (12 Ounce) Jar Turkey
1 (10.75 Ounce)
Can Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup
1/2 (16 Ounce) Can
Cranberry Sauce
4 Skinless,
Boneless Chicken Breast Halves - Cubed
Toss together 2 1/2 cups dry bread cubes and 2 tablespoons instant
stuffing mix; set aside. Combine the remaining bread cubes, instant stuffing
mix, mushrooms, onion, celery, olive oil, poultry seasoning, salt, sage,
pepper, gravy, condensed soup, and cranberry sauce in a large bowl.
Place the reserved bread crumbs and stuffing mix into the bottom
of the slow cooker. Add the chicken and top with the vegetable, bread, and
gravy mixture. Cover, and cook on Low for 4 to 6 hours.
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