One of these people is an elderly woman who is 150 years old . . . maybe 200 . . . and crotchety as all get out.
Having a fenced in area for my little kid to play in was fantastic . . . there was was he could go running into the street or wandering off. My boy and I would often roll or toss his big rubber ball back and forth. Of course, he didn't catch it every time . . . or even every third or fourth time . . . but he enjoyed it.
When he missed the ball sometimes it would roll into the old crank's patch of grass. Each unit has their own bit of grass but the whole courtyard is technically common area. If this old biddy thought no one was looking she'd come out an yell at my boy and tell him to get off her lawn.
Besides being mean to small children . . . this woman has WAY too much time on her hands.

I have seen this tiny, frail, ancient person sweeping the sidewalk . . . dirt, leaves, snow, whatever. Not just her walkway. I'm talking all the sidewalks; inside the courtyard, outside the complex, up and down the street. I've seen her sweeping the parking lot . . . with her little kitchen broom. But the best . . . or strangest . . . thing I've seen her doing was wiping down the dumpsters with a paper towel. Yeah . . . I said it . . . cleaning the disgustingly filthy garbage dumpsters with a paper towel.
Unneighborly and whacked-out.
Cheesy Rice
4 Cups Water
1 Tbsp Salt
2 Tbsp Butter
1 ½ Cups Medium Grain Rice
3 Slices American Cheese
Bring water, salt, and butter to a boil. Stir in rice,
cover, and put stove on low.
Cook 15-20 minutes, or until rice is tender, adding more
water as needed.
Remove from heat, rip cheese into smaller pieces and stir it
into the rice until it’s completely melted.
Feel free to add more cheese as desired.
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