And they should. . . men . . . suffer that is.
What is this pining of which he speaks. I'm sure he's not talking about conifer trees.
No, indeed not. "Pine" comes from the Old English word "pinian" which, in turn, was derived from the Latin word "poena" which means pain.

If someone is "pining for" something, they are suffering from a loss. As in the case of the Gay Divorcee . . . Guy is longing desperately for Mimi.
Ah . . . the suffering . . . makes perfect sense now. No need to dig out the Christmas decorations.
Suck it up, Guy . . .
1 Package Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
1 Egg
1/3 Cup Milk
3-4 Hot Dogs
Nonstick Cooking Spray
Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
I have a spiffy cast iron cornbread pan but you can use a
mini muffin pan as a substitute.
Generously coat the cups of the pan with nonstick cooking spray and set
Prepare corn muffin mix as instructed on box: whisk together
egg and milk and stir in dry muffin mix until incorporated and still slightly
lumpy. Allow to rest for 5 minutes. Cut hot dogs into 1-inch pieces.
Using a ¼ cup measure, place one scoop/dollop into each mini
muffin cup until no batter remains.
Place one hot dog section in the middle of each filled muffin cup.
Bake for 10 minutes.
Remove, run a knife around the edge of the mini cups to loosen them and
turn out.
Pfft, at first I thought you were going somewhere with the fjords thing and not a Norwegian blue to be seen anywhere... A pox on your gay divorce story.