$5 at the door gets you three tickets good for three 10 ounce beer samples.
We arrived just at the start of the soiree . . . 6 PM . . . and the there were already quite a few people there. Comfortably crowded I would say; room to mingle, check things out and get a beer.
Hubby and I took our cups, dropped a ticket in the bowl and got our beer samples. Being the IPA lover that I am, I started out with the Sea Hag IPA. We made our way over to the stacks of pallets loaded with empty cans and sampled our . . . well . . . sample.
Yummy! Sea Hag . . . my first time drinking this beer. It is an American style India Pale Ale. I liked it . . . I liked it a lot. It's hoppy and bitter without being overpoweringly so. The hops are citrusy with plenty of the lemon and grapefruit that I love. The malt gives the beer a caramel flavor that lends a slight sweetness that blends quite nicely with the bitter hops. Over all . . . a very good IPA . . . I loved it. (6.2% ABV)
As we were finishing our first beer we noticed the crowd was noticeably thicker and the temperature was rising in the relatively small space. And . . . a line was begining to form to get the beer. So, we hopped in line for our second sample. Just as we were getting our cups filled the band started and the place was a'rockin'.

While sipping my beer I skulked around a bit checking out the equipment . . . tanks, canner, etc. I happened to look up and spied a red monster dude hanging out on a beam and Elvis perched on top of tank.
There were kegs and KEGS waiting to be filled.
But, the pallets of cans and the tanks themselves filled most of the space . . . which was surprisingly small.
By the time we finished our second beer the place was packed . . . and we were sweating like crazy. A very hot, humid day and a room filled with beer swizzling people makes a very sultry environment. And the line to get beer . . . looooooooong.
We eased our way into the line to get our final sample. I decided to go with the Sea Hag . . . as it was that or the Elm City. We squeezed our way over to the open overhead door to get some fresh air . . . it was brutally hot.
Mmm . . . out of beer? Sometimes life is crap. :)
As we finished up we were ready to get gone. As crowded and hot as it was we still left happy . . . sweaty but happy. I'm looking forward to heading back to New England Brewery for another Final Friday.
For more information check out NEBC's website or visit their Facebook page.
I've only been to Final Friday once... but it was a great time. You can't beat fresh craft beer for $5...STRAIGHT from the brewery. Next time bring a growler and take some of that goodness home with you! Great recap!