Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The ultimate reason is "because."

I know I'm kinda of weird, but I think those stick family stickers that people are putting on the backs of their cars are really kind of cute.  Of course, I don't have any on my car . . . cuz, I don't want people to think I'm weird.  It's quite a paradox.

They're kind of fun . . . they come in all kinds of varieties that represent the families personalities . . . I especially like the zombie ones . . . too funny!


Of course, another good one is the divorced family . . . 

And the crazy cat lady one is a hoot, as well.

Then there's the one for people who don't give a sh!t about your family . . . stick figure or otherwise.

Yeah, I know, I got nothin' . . . not even a stick figure family to stick on my car . . . but hey, my blog can't be awesome every day!  

Bacon and Cheese Omelet

3 Slices Bacon, Cooked
3 Large Eggs, Lightly Beaten
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
1/4 Teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
1 Tablespoon Butter
1/2 Slices American Cheese

In a small bowl, combine eggs, salt, and pepper; beat with fork. In a 10 inch nonstick skillet, melt butter over medium heat, rotating pan to coat bottom. Add egg mixture. Cover for a minute or two. 

As eggs start to set, gently lift edges with a spatula, and tilt pan so uncooked portion flows underneath. Top with cheese and bacon evenly onto omelet.  Cover for about a minute to allow cheese to melt.

Fold over and slide onto plate.  Serve immediately.


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