Its obvious that it bothered me since I can clearly recall the incident. Thankfully, no one was injured in the innocent eating of the snack.
It's not just hubby's eating that bothers me; as long as I can remember hearing other people eat his
elicited an immediate response . . . rage.
Most times I can control violent urges . . . mostly.
Hubby already thinks I'm a bit touched . . . perhaps he's right . . . I am
mental! But I conceal it fairly
well, I’ll bet he never knew that it makes me crazy to listen to him (or anyone else) eat.
Misophonia is little known disorder that affects a person's
sensitivity to noise. For most people, it is only specific noises that
trigger a powerful response.
For me its hearing people eat . . . **shudder** . . . but other people have different noises that set
them off.
My method of self-treatment is simply to serve dinner in the
living room and eat while watching television.
But, if we’re eating at the kitchen table I have to have background
noise like music playing or the television on to cover up any chewing noises. Luckily, I have the added benefit of being
deaf in one ear. I can literally “turn a
deaf ear” to that which irks me thus sparing hubby and others a sound
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