Like many little girls, I wanted to be a cheerleader. Cheerleaders were pretty, got to wear cute
little outfits, had big fluffy pompoms, they were popular and got to hang out
with the cool kids.
When I got to junior high school I got my chance, I signed
up for try-outs. I made up a routine
and practiced. Then came the day for the

Anyhoo . . . I did my thing and tried my best. I thought I did pretty well. The panel wasn’t overly impressed with my
performance. I’m sure my evil sister had influenced them
because it wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that I’m a wee bit clumsy
and slightly less than graceful. Of course
not . . . I blame my evil sister.
So, my dream of becoming a cheerleader thwarted, I resumed
my life of obscurity . . . going through my high school days in a cloak of
uncool invisibility.
Meh . . . who cares? I
didn’t want to be pretty or wear a cute little outfit or lug around big fluffy
pompoms or be popular or hang around with the cool kids.
So there!
You SO made all of that up! I don't remember you EVER trying out for cheerleading and I certainly was never one of the judges. You're drunk! Again!