I like to keep hubby's life interesting. After all, I don't want him thinking he's missing out on anything. One thing I like to do to keep the pot stirred up is to goad him and try to get his goat. Aw . . . don't feel bad for him. He likes the attention. Really he does!

To "get one's goat" is to stimulate one into a state of great irritation . . . stimulation is good, right? Who doesn't like to be stimulated?
There are several different references as to the origination of this phrase . . . typical.
Two similar unsubstantiated possibilities are the first is from American horse racing. Trainers would put a goat in a racing horse's stall to calm it; if the goat was removed, the horse would likely become agitated and not run well. The other a reference to an old English belief that keeping a goat in the barn would have a calming effect on the cows, hence producing more milk; an aggravated cow will produce less milk.
In keeping with the milk theme, there is an old French phrase that translates to approximately "to get your goat". In the olden days goats and their milk were a person's only source of income.
and as far as thievery goats goes . . . if someone steals a shepherd's goat so it would be understandable if they got somewhat annoyed if someone took it. Again there's no firm evidence to support this or the other origin.
Per chance it's a mispronunciation of "get your goad". A goad is a pointed rod used to urge on livestock . . . you know, a cattle prod?
Or maybe even . . . it’s a bastardization of "get your gut" wherein gut over time was altered to goat. When something gets your gut, it upsets you and ties your stomach in knots.
I'm going with this one . . . King Saul once proclaimed that he had taken no man's goat . . . that he hadn't angered anyone. I like it . . .
Rigatoni Casserole
- 1 Pounds Mozzarella Cheese
- 1 Pounds Swiss Cheese
- 1 lb Beef - Ground
- 1 lb Sausage (Italian)
- 1 - 32 Ounce Jar Spaghetti Sauce
- 1 Pound Noodles - Rigatoni
- 30 slices Pepperoni
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to boil. Pour in rigatoni, and cook about 8 to 10 minutes. Drain, and set pasta aside.
Meanwhile, brown ground beef and sausage in a large skillet over medium heat. With a slotted spoon, remove beef and sausage to a baking dish.
Stir spaghetti sauce, and cooked pasta into the baking dish. Sprinkle cheese and pepperoni over the top.
Stir spaghetti sauce, and cooked pasta into the baking dish. Sprinkle cheese and pepperoni over the top.
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