My hopped up IPA pickles were a big hit (see recipe). That left me wanting experiment with a different style of pickle utilizing a different style of beer.
I thought that a brown ale would go will in a sweet and sour pickle recipe because if the mild sweetness of the beer. And, of course, I had to throw hot peppers into the mix. Why not, right?
These pickles are gently sweet and a little tart with just the right bite of spicy goodness.
I did good!
I used Six Point Brownstone Ale, but you can use any brown ale you like.

Refrigerator Pickles
Makes 4 Quarts
20-24 Small Pickling Cucumbers
1 Small Onion, Sliced Thin
2 Stalks Celery, Cut In Half
4 Hot Peppers, Halved
4 Cups Raw Sugar
1/2 Cup Pickling Salt
1 Quart Vinegar
1 16-ounce Can Sixpoint Brownstone Ale
Cut off the ends of cucumbers. This is important because there are enzymes in the ends that will soften the pickles . . . i.e. less crispy.
Cut the cucumbers into quarters, make sure they’re short enough to fit in quart mason jars without sticking up too high. Pack the cucumbers into the jars. (Note: I used a half gallon canning jar with swing top and gasket)
Add 2-3 onion slices, half a celery stalk and one hot pepper to each jar.
In a large saucepan, dissolve sugar and salt in vinegar and beer. Bring to just boiling. Be careful the syrup doesn't boil over.
Using a ladle, pour the hot liquid over the cucumbers leaving about a 1/4 inch of headspace.
Screw the lid tops on and allow the jars to cool on the countertop.
Put the jars in the fridge and allow the pickles to absorb all the wonderful spices.
After about a week open the jar, take a bite and be completely impressed with your awesome pickling skills! The longer they sit the better they will get.