This is a bright refreshing beer cocktail that mixes the tartness of lemonade, the sweetness of strawberries with the wheatiness of a good summer wheat beer.
The perfect refresher for a hot summer day.
Strawberry Hefeweizen Shandy
2 Ounces Homemade Fizzy Lemonade (recipe below)
2 Ounces Strawberry Infused Vodka Liquor (recipe below)
12 Ounces Hefeweizen
Pour lemonade and strawberry vodka into a 16 ounce glass.
Slowly, add the beer to the glass. I used Two Roads No Limits Hefeweizen.
Stir gently and serve.

Homemade Fizzy Lemonade
1/2 Cup Raw Sugar
1/2 Cup water
1/2 Cup Lemon Juice
2 Cups Plain Seltzer (to dilute)
Make simple syrup by heating the sugar and water in a small saucepan until the sugar is dissolved completely.
While the sugar is dissolving, use a juicer to extract the juice from 4 small lemons, enough for 1/2 cup of juice.
Add the juice and the sugar water to a pitcher. Add 2 cups of cold seltzer.

Strawberry Infused Vodka Liquor
Take 2 cups of fresh clean strawberries, hulled and cut in half and put into a clean 1 quart jar The stawberries should fill the jar halfway. Next pour in the vodka to the top leaving about a half inch of headspace.
Place cool, dark place. Give the jar a little shake once a day.
After a couple days you will notice that the strawberries are being leeched of color and turning a sickly albino white. Don't panic, this is normal. All the color and flavor is going into the vodka.
In a week strain the solids from the liquid. You will end up with a wonderful strawberry flavored vodka that is a beautiful red color.
Mix it with a cooled simple syrup - 1/2 cup raw sugar dissolved into a 1/2 cup boiling water.
Mix 1 part infused vodka to a 1/2 part of the simple syrup.